Regenda Homes




Welcome to the 2021/22 Regenda Homes and Redwing Annual Report

Our Annual Report will tell you about our performance from April 2021 to March 2022 in areas including repairs, complaints and anti-social behaviour. It tells you how we have spent the money we receive, the changes we have made to our services as a result of your feedback and the support we have provided to our residents.


Number of Regenda Homes and
Redwing properties
% of homes at decent homes standard
0 %
Number of homes let
Average number of days to let

Download the full 2021/22 Annual Report here

Repairs and improvements

Covid-19 continued to have an impact on our repairs service in 2021/22. The number of repair requests we received each month increased by over 30%. There was an impact on resources and material supplies and this meant that residents were waiting over 40 days for a first appointment. As a result of this, we paused all new non-urgent repairs for four weeks from 5 July 2021. Emergency repairs continued to be carried out within four hours of being reported.  

repairs completed
of emergency repairs
completed within target
0 %
of routine repairs
completed in target
0 %
of properties with gas
safety certificate
0 %
of residents satisfied
with repairs service
0 %
was invested in our properties
£ 0 m
of residents satisfied with quality of home*
0 %

* Figure from 2020/21 as it was part of the STAR survey, which is carried out every two-years

Average cost of a responsive repair
£ 0
Average number of days
to complete responsive repair

Download the full 2021/22 Annual Report here

New homes

In 2021/22, we handed over 40 new homes

Regenda Homes 21* | Redwing 19

*19 were new build and 2 were conversions

Your feedback

We want to provide excellent services to our residents first time every time, but we know we don’t always get it right. Your feedback is so important in helping us to improve our services.

compliments received
complaints received
complaints resolved at first time resolution
0 %
of stage 1 complaints
resolved in target
0 %
complaints escalated
to stage 1
complaints esaclated
to stage 2
of customers satisfied
with how we handled
0 %
of customers say Regenda Homes is easy to deal with*
0 %

* Figure from 2020/21 as it was part of the STAR survey carried out every two-years

of customers say that Regenda Homes listen to their views and acts upon on them*
0 %

* Figure from 2020/21 as it was part of the STAR survey carried out every two-years

net promotor score
+ 0

Complaints by category

26.91% – failure to deal with repair

16.55% – not meeting customer expectations

9.91% – lack of communication

4.81% – failure to meet agreed service standard 

3.60% – damage to customers goods

Following self-assessment against the Housing Ombudsman Complaints Handling Code we consider ourself to be compliant

Download the full 2021/22 Annual Report here

You said. We did.

We use your feedback to improve our services and to ensure that we’re delivering the services that you want to see.

You said.

We don’t always know what to expect from the garden maintenance teams

We did.

We have produced a flyer that explains the gardening maintenance programme and what works are carried out. This has been given to residents where gardening services are provided

You said.

It’s frustrating when a planned appointment is missed and we have taken time off work.     

We did.

Sometimes a small number of appointments are re-arranged at short notice. This could be due to staff absences or having to attend emergencies. We should always call you to let you know if we are unable to make your appointment. If that doesn’t happen, we will offer you a compensation payment of £25 for the missed appointment.

You said.

You don't always provide feedback after an inspection has taken place. 

We did.

We have changed our process so there is now greater transparency and you should always receive a follow up when an inspection has taken place.

You said.

Text messages to say the operative was en route were not always accurate. 

We did.

We investigated this and found that texts did not take into account traffic or the need to get materials before attending appointments. We have now amended our text messages to better reflect this.

Your community

We want you to feel happy, safe and secure in your home and in neighbourhood you live in. Our Housing and Neighbourhoods Teams carry out regular estate inspections, deal with any instances of anti social behaviour and support with any tenancy related issues or queries.

satisfied with neighbourhood
as a place to live*
0 %*
anti-social behaviour cases raised 
satisfied with way ASB complaint
dealt with
0 %
satisfied that RH provides a home that is safe and secure*
0 %*

* Figures from 2020/21 as they where part of the STAR survey carried out every two-years

Download the full 2021/22 Annual Report here

Your rent

During 2021/22, we continued to support residents with their finances, securing additional benefits and grants, clearing debts, providing budgeting advice and helping residents to maximise their income. If you are ever concerned about money, please call 0344 736 0066. 

of Regenda Homes residents in arrears and how much owed
of rent collected
0 %
of residents in arrears who terminated tenancy and how much they owed
(former tenancy arrears)
0 %
Money secured in additional benefits and grants
£ 0

2020/21 figure: £2,100,000

How each £1 paid in rent is spent

These figures detail how we spend each £1 in rent that we collect.

day-to-day repairs
planned works, such as repainting and gas
0 p
equipment replacement charge*
0 p
management costs such as offices, staffing and delivering services
service charges**
0 p
other social housing activity***
0 p
other non-social housing activity****
0 p

* equipment replacement charge. This is charges for the replacement of any ‘capital’ items or the installation of new capital items which are not paid for in the rent. Capital items could include boiler replacements or the replacement of communal furniture. This cost is spread over a number of years.

**service charges, such as grounds maintenance, caretaking and communal lighting and heating.

***other social housing activity such as supporting people contracts and development services (delete management as we say we spend 21p on that)

****other non-social housing activity, such as lettings homes for private rent or managing shared ownership schemes.

Download the full 2021/22 Value for Money Statement here

Financial Statements

Click here to download our full financial statements

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